This legislation provides a framework for preventing and resolving disputes in relation to party walls, boundary walls and excavations near neighbouring buildings. A building owner proposing to start work covered by the Act must give adjoining owners notice of their intentions in the way set down in the Act
There are several ways that we can assist
We can assist in you dealing with the neighbours yourself by simple letters
If your neighbours object in any way then you will need to appoint a Party-Wall Surveyor
I have extensive experience in dealing with these problems and will be happy to assist you through this process
It covers all aspects of building in close proximity to your neighbours like foundations close to the boundary, loft conversions where steel beams are required to be built into the Party wall
We can also work for your neighbours, where I will look after your interests
Costs for Party Wall work are all paid by the building owner – The owner commissioning the work, including any other surveyors who may be appointed by neighbours